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This is a treat I think Hanna should make in her kitchen. Amid the yeast dough, add a good bit of butter, or in a modern kitchen butter extract, to add the flavor without the fat. Then dip in salted boiling water, baking soda is the norm and bake at a high temp for soft, Lower temp for crunchy. The advantage for modern day cooking for making your own pretzels…
Read MoreI made up a fresh batch of nectar, 4/1 ratio water to sugar, boiled it for 5+ minutes and set it to cool. My husband said he felt bad for the little guys, in the midst of our dry spell, all the flowers were turned to dust. I added two more tablespoons of sugar and brought it back to a boil. After cooling overnight to room temp, I cleaned and…
Read MoreI have heard this debated on all sides; characters with disabilities should be included in fiction, characters with disabilities should never be included in fiction unless they are the main character. People who are gay should not be included unless that is the audience we are writing for… what a bunch of hogwash. People love to debate these things, acting as if the readers did not know that some people…
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