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Cooking regular healthy, interesting meals takes a lot of planning and preparation. A person can spend endless hours looking up recipes, let alone actually cooking anything. After the planning is done, the daunting task of shopping begins, assembling all needed ingredients in one place as well as the tools needed to prepare everything. Anyone who denigrates the cook should be set out on the steps to smell the food and…
Read MoreThe history of a house turns out to be important. It is not just about who lived and died there, who got married, fell in love or divorced, but the whole idea of what parts came first, what got added, when was the roof last patched and how old is the oldest timber. It turns out that a building inspection is worse than going to the doctor and having him…
Read MorePlaying with my dad in the yard is always fun. You never know what project he is currently working on, what new bed of flowers he has planted, or what amazing surprises he has hidden in a treasure trove of green. My dad was putting faces on the trees long before it was a thing, he hides small statuary under brush, lets weeds grow tall in some spots, plants little…
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