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Julia's Latest Posts

Not Today!

By Julia Schmeelk | September 15, 2018

My husband and I enjoy a number of phrases that we pass back and forth like a card that is guaranteed to make either one of us grin. ‘Not today’ is one of those phrases. ”Do we need to paint the garage?” Not today! ”Did you use the last of the butter?” Not today! Tha applications are endless and get funnier as you try it on. ”Look at that, can…

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Safety First

By Julia Schmeelk | September 12, 2018

With major storms hitting our coast, volcano 🌋 activity in Alaska and all manner of other challenges, please consider your safety and the security of those around you. It is easy to make decisions based on emotion as things happen, but logic needs to take over. Evacuation can be smart and in a contest of wills, nature always wins. Do not put yourself in a position to rely on others…

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New, New, New

By Julia Schmeelk | September 12, 2018

While the prospect of a new house, new location, new book, and new area are exciting, it is a lot of new to be processing. I only know of one way to manage and that is to organize. To that end the lists have started. I worked with someone once who thought writing lists and crossing things off was a waste of time. Then he realized how much I managed…

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