Grabon from the NewEarth Series

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Julia's Latest Posts

Happy Sunday Rant

By Julia Schmeelk | September 16, 2018

I sincerely hope everyone who reads this is safe and dry. Watching the news reports, I am reminded that the power of nature is scary and the drive to survive among humans is amazing as we see so many good people come forward to help others. Great work, good job, and thank you! It saddens me beyond words to know that our great nation has lost so many of the…

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Radon Glow

By Julia Schmeelk | September 16, 2018

The inspection report is back, lots of little things that can be fixed and one, somewhat glaring problem. One might even say it glows. Radon levels are beyond the acceptable levels in the bedrooms and living areas, never mind the basement. For those who don’t know, radon is radioactive and I’d prefer not to have high levels trapped or accumulating or even having a party and calling out for pizza.…

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Seasons Change

By Julia Schmeelk | September 15, 2018
Heron Meets Grabon

After spending 20 years in Alaska, hot summers are not my favorite. It doesn’t stop me from enjoying the great outdoors, but it makes me 😓 sweat, drip, and generally overheat. I am looking forward to cooler temps and the changing season. I particularly enjoy autumn, the brisk air, changing colors, and the surge of energy. This fall we are moving and I hope to do Halloween in the new…

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