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Do you know the hardest part of editing? It is not seeing all the marks on the pages; over 600 pages for one of my books filled with corrections, suggestions, alternatives and possibilities. I plow through those, reading everything turning the marks on and off, seRch my vocabulary and rephrase without difficulty. It is not setting aside my ego and admitting that nothing is perfect, it can always be improved.…
Read MoreExcitement builds. The building inspection is Wednesday, naturally we are going to be there, and also taking Sweety to her forever home. My parents are interested in adoption. With fingers crossed and breath held we are hoping this is the house of our dreams. Everything looks fantastic. All systems seem to be go. Arrangements are being made, we have looked at several places to rent trucks for the move. It…
Read MoreThere are always moment of clarity in our lives, when we stop and see things clearly, without all the garbage that clogs our brains. Because we are human, that sometimes happens at inconvenient moments. I have been lucky enough to notice when they happen, to make note of the smells, the way the light dims slightly as time slows down. Life does not happen in that instant, but we can…
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