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My parents are wonderful people and a new pup was just what they needed. Sweety has found a place in their home and is very lucky to be so joyously welcomed, but of course she now thinks it’s her due. Francie, their aging German Shepherd, is even tolerant of the much smaller and highly energetic Sweety and watches over her. I have no doubt that once Sweety accepts that Francie…
Read MoreBeyond the grammar rules and publishing guidelines, formatting demands and marketing rules, crafting a story is pretty lawless. Generally you need a beginning, middle, and an end. In most cases you need rising tension, climax and a reasonable story arch, although notable exceptions can be found among readers favorites. Critics think they determine the worth of a story, readers know they do. From the writing standpoint, all stories are scratches…
Read MoreNow that the editing is done and I have moved on to formatting, my heart is racing and I am filled with excitement at the idea of introducing this special story to the world. Not only is it a story about a dragon finding his place, his mate, and fulfilling his purpose; it is about an incredibly intelligent, talent individual, learning to accept himself. I really hope people will tell…
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