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Julia's Latest Posts

Mice And Packing

By Julia Schmeelk | October 27, 2018

During my two years in this house, I have systematically been poisoning the mice. The long term residence and any newcomers from the fields. The general theme of homicide has given me nightmares, but cohabitation with such messy creatures can be unbearable when they have zero respect for personal property. From the time I was an infant, I have been around mice, but they were the white variety in cages,…

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Spider and Toothpaste

By Julia Schmeelk | October 27, 2018

It might be spider season, but I was not a happy person while I was brushing my teeth yesterday morning and glanced up at my reflection and saw a spider crawling across my face. With toothpaste in one hand and toothbrush and foam on the other, I smacked myself, only to realize the spider was on the mirror. From a days distance, it must have been comical. Right at that…

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Busy Morning!

By Julia Schmeelk | October 25, 2018

The best laid plans can be derailed at the drop of a hat. We were getting through the morning pill routine, you almost have to be over 50 to get this. I have pills, he has pills, we have pills we take together. Some require food, some don’t, some cause me to use the bathroom every five minutes to drain fluid away from my heart. Yeah pills, we don’t like…

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