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Anyone who has moved into an older home knows that setting the bathroom can be a chore. In this case we needed to remove an old established and broken shower rod, find and put up a curtain that I can enjoy. We naturally settled on two: one for inside the shower and a different for outside, giving a layered look. We put up shelves, installed our stuff and a rug…
Read MoreThere are so many challenges to making a physical change in where you live, but I have listed a few for your entertainment. 1. New address, zip code, new house phone number, you look like an idiot who dooesn’t know where you live as you dig out or look up your new info on your cell phone. 2. You keep walking into walls and closets on the way to the…
Read MoreOne of the great things about moving to a new place is discovering all the treasures. The warm spot to sit, the best tree to watch, and the places where all the birds go. We have yet to set up our feeders or bird baths. Nature, however, has placed two magnificent old trees in our backyard and it is a fine perch for many squirrels 🐿 and birds 🦅. I…
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