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After a whirlwind trip back to Missouri to clean and grab the last of everything, taking a shower in my own warm bathroom was wonderful. The old farm house always had its charms, but central heat was not one of them. The bathroom was one of the coldest rooms in the house. We are so lucky that the new house has central heat, a thermostat, and lots of hot water.…
Read MoreAs with all adventures there was drama, not only the, sniff, goodbyes to people we care about and animals we have spent time with, but vehicular drama. Have you ever had your breaks pull in one direction and your steering wheel try to spin in another? It turns out that is a costly problem to solve. Have you ever smelled burning rubber from under your hood? Wow that one was…
Read MoreWe have returned…and armed with cleaners, duster, carpet cleaner and rags, I am going to blow like a tornado through that house, packing, cleaning and getting it all done so we can blow out again. Shawn with drill in hand is going to remove all the hooks and screws we added, also policing the outdoors and collecting anything we might have left behind. When we return to the new house…
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