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When winter comes up fast and hits with a bang, it creates a problem for many gardeners. This year, my dad turned 80 but he and my mom recently bought a new place and he has a couple of hundred, yes that was correct, a couple of hundred bulbs he wanted to plant before the snow so they would come up in the spring. The ground froze before and during…
Read MoreRemember this is my first interview as a writer so any mistakes are mine. Amy Miller, known as AEM did a fabulous job! Here is the link. https://magicalworldweb.wordpress.com/2018/11/23/interview-with-the-author-julia-schmeelk/amp/?__twitter_impression=true
Read MoreDid you see the interview? I was very impressed with all of it. Hopefully people found it entertaining. Thanksgiving was a huge, vibrant success with everyone participating, cooking, cleaning, shopping, running here and there and in the end we all sat down as a family and devoured an enormous amount of imaginative, flavorful, and carefully prepared foods. It was awesome! Especially the salted Carmel cheesecake my 15 year-old niece made…
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