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I always thought it was polite to send out holiday cards to those you want to stay in touch with. But with modern technology, I have many ways to stay in touch and send out all manner of information on both our public and private pages using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and email. I have a webpage for goodness sake, but when I get a wonderful card in the mail, it…
Read MoreMy nephew and his wonderful wife are traveling back to their home tomorrow, so I was lucky enough to have them out to the new house for tea and cake. My parents came along with them and I made a gingerbread cake in the shape of a Christmas Tree to serve with hot spiced tea, coffee, and various soda. I took the opportunity to make use of their skills with…
Read MoreI was sitting at the table this morning, drinking coffee, after doing a few chores, when Shawn looked at me sharply. He told me not to move before he stood to hunt up a weapon. Naturally I looked around and less than a foot away, a spider dangled, spinning gently on the air currents from the heat register. He came and killed the dangling monster, and after I peeled myself…
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