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First I want to say happy NewYear! My head is still spinning from the holidays. I guess I got sick right after Christmas and have been fighting this cold that morphed into bronchitis until I went to the doctor for some of the good stuff (antibiotics) that beefed up my immune army of soldiers and sent them off to war. While the battle is being fought my head is clear…
Read MoreAs some of you may know, I am currently looking for a day job to pay for my expensive writing habit. I laugh, but I need to sell a lot more books before it pays for art and advertising. That being said, I am not giving up but willing to work to buy more time. My hunt for work is currently stalled until I have a voice again. Yes, this…
Read MoreI know people who refuse to medicate a cold or the flu. I am not sure how they manage, but I firmly believe in treating symptoms. I despise being forced to surrender to some foul bacteria or virus and relinquish my daily plan. That being said, I am guilty of spreading disease. When it is obvious I belong at home, I continue to follow my routine. As a teacher, for…
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