Grabon from the NewEarth Series

NewEarth Glossary of Terms


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Job Hunt

By Julia Schmeelk | March 25, 2019

This morning I was dressed and ready to drive to an interview when I decided to review my notes. As I thumbed through, I went back to my initial contact to find the name of the person doing the interview. There I have written the date as April 1 and I glance at the calander on the wall and shake my head. Yep, I had put it on the March…

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By Julia Schmeelk | March 25, 2019

I was reading an article on what makes a blog successful, and they said it was important to engage readers, to create an interactive experience. Wow, that is easier said than done. I try to get a sigh, a chuckle, an occasional raised brow, but an interactive experience? So I thought about questions, you know the usual drill. What is your favorite mythological creature? Would you rather be attacked by…

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Sunshine and Frost

By Julia Schmeelk | March 23, 2019

Yesterday I spent a good chunk of the day outside trimming bushes away from the house, cleaning out brambles. We cut up the yard debris and put it in bins to be disposed of later My dad was nice enough to come help me. We had fun and got a lot of work done. This morning I look out and see frost on the sunroom roof. Yesterday I had been…

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