NewEarth Series - Cabin and Nest

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NewEarth1 Gordon’s Pride by Julia Schmeelk is a fantasy romance set on a sentient planet protected by mammalian dragons. These dragons are not the fire breathing scaly dragons one expects, but the winged, mammalian, indigenous, sapient species of NewEarth. Humans have finally begun to equal the dragons in their bonds with the new planet and this is the story of the first combined species territory and how it was established. Gordon, a human farmer, manages to link his life to Hanna’s in the way of the dragons, making them the first mated pair of Grabon’s new territory.


A psychic-supernatural romantic adventure, NewEarth1 Gordon’s Pride by Julia Schmeelk, is the story of human adoption by the planet the humans call NewEarth. Gordon meets Hanna and instinct takes over driving him to link their lives together. That is only the beginning of the adventures to be found on NewEarth as Grabon, a young territory dragon, claims his territory and includes humans among his people.


Gordon’s Pride is the first novel in an ongoing series depicting the final stages of human adoption by the planet known as NewEarth. On the planet, there is an established society of “dragons” and five separate colonies of humans. The planet assists its chosen people in their search for acceptance and love while bequeathing them with a variety of psychic abilities in exchange for their protection. The NewEarth series highlights the integration of both species into a peaceful coexistence. Gordon’s Pride is the foundation of this continuing saga.


NewEarth1 Gordon’s Pride by Julia Schmeelk is a fantasy romance set on a sentient planet. Gordon, a pioneer farmer, meets and joins his life with Hanna’s. Gordon’s power is bonded to the planet, visible and strong, he can create a shield of power delicate enough to hold a human hand or protect his fields from killing storms. Hanna is more fragile and her power more limited and refined. Her family threw her away, left her in the wilderness to die and Gordon claimed her for his own. He discovers in her a set of skills that astound him. Not only can she cook like a dream, but she can craft the planet’s memory river, gold, and infuse it with the power of her own spirit. What she creates is always precious, detailed and awe inspiring. Hanna proves to be Gordon’s greatest pride.


The planet is matchmaking again, this time with the humans of NewEarth, linking Gordon and Hanna life to life, mind to mind and heart to heart. Hopefully they can complete the bond without tragedy. Dealing with a sentient planet is no small thing, especially when humans are the second sapient species, but this farmer and gold crafter have a strong friendship with two very powerful friends. You’ll have to read NewEarth1 Gordon’s Pride to find out what happens to this newly mated pair.


NewEarth2 - Heron's Bonds

Heron spent many years traveling with his companion Grabon, learning about the dragons, but his heart longed for human companionship and a woman of his own. When his heart sent out a call, the planet answered connecting him to Trissy in their dreams.

Heron spent many years traveling with his companion Grabon, learning about the dragons, but his heart longed for human companionship and a woman of his own. When his heart sent out a call, the planet answered connecting him to Trissy in their dreams. Trissy was caught in the middle of a disaster with her family dying all around her. She sends out a call for help. The planet answers and connects her to Heron. As she wanders through the forests of NewEarth searching for her dream man, she grows stronger, more confident, and more able to deal with the determined man she eventually finds.Together they start a new family of NewEarth and change the perceptions of humans and dragons for one another.

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