NewEarth Series - Gordon and Grabon

Welcome to NewEarth

Pour yourself a nice cup of tea and I’ll tell you a little bit about NewEarth and how it all began…

The climate was changing, big business was booming and while it wasn’t necessarily popular, people were harvesting resources from earth faster than the planet could accommodate.

To be clear, clean water was an expensive commodity, air filters and masks were needed

for people working outside and radiation was an ongoing challenge for anyone trying to grow food.

Some enterprising folks saw an opportunity in space travel to identify planets where humans could harvest resources. This provided jobs and most countries got involved in one way or another.

EarthCorp was a multinational conglomerate that had several harvest sites on different planets. They had a few issues with the

Gordon and Grabon from NewEarth1

environmentalists and wanted to clean up their public image. When the opportunity came to purchase the rights to a limited resource planet with clean air and water, it provided the perfect opportunity for them to set up a few “greeny” settlements and make a tidy profit.

They didn’t spend money on unnecessary research, only enough to ensure that the air was breathable and the soil would support crops. They believed that wood, gold and water were the only profitable resources so they advertised it as a natural paradise. They spent a considerable amount of time and money recruiting working men and women to help form the settlements using clean air and water techniques with low to no tech methods.

Jump ahead roughly 200 years and the first story, Gordon’s Pride, is about a pioneer Farmer and Hanna, a talented gold crafter. They have never seen earth, have little knowledge of most technology and what they do know is that smugglers occasionally bring certain things to the planet that they do not make themselves.

The NewEarth Series currently has 13 completed novels, and I am hard at work finishing number 14 with many more rattling around in my head. We are hoping to find an audience for these fantasy romances, so if you enjoy them, let us know and tell your friends.

Like many authors, I write the stories in my head, not with a marketing strategy in mind and not to a limited audience. That being said, we are looking for the right audience who can love and appreciate these characters and setting as much as I do.

Happy reading,

Julia Schmeelk


Bonus tea recipe

If you are looking for something sweet and tasty to drink while reading, boil up some water, grab a black tea bag and a lemon/ginger one and add it to the cup. Pour the boiling water over the bags and let it steep no longer than two minutes then add 1-3 teaspoons of sugar, raw or refined and stir. The bags are good for two additional cups so don't just toss them out.

Looking for a Sample?

Check out these samples from author Julia Schmeelk's new fantasy series, NewEarth, available exclusively on Amazon.

How to Find the NewEarth Series

During the initial launch, I am offering the NewEarth Series books exclusively through Amazon. Click here to find NewEarth1 - Gordon's Pride, on sale November 1, 2017.

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