Moving Challenges

There are so many challenges to making a physical change in where you live, but I have listed a few for your entertainment.

1. New address, zip code, new house phone number, you look like an idiot who dooesn’t know where you live as you dig out or look up your new info on your cell phone.

2. You keep walking into walls and closets on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night, leaving bruises that you have to explain to coworkers. Anything is better than the truth, that you lost the bathroom in your sleep.

3. Shoes do not immediately have a home so you spend an inordinate amount of time hunting for shoes, coats, and other essentials that used to live in a particular place. It leaves you feeling like a 4 year old.

4. You are not sure how to get home. You found your way to the unfamiliar store, located the bread and milk in strange places but now sitting in the parking lot you are not sure which exit will put you back on the road going in the right direction.

5. The trash can has moved, the plates in the kitchen are in a different place. You put them there, but somehow you still feel like a guest in your own home as you hunt for a glass so you can take your morning pills.

Oh, the joys of moving!