Memorial Day!
It is a day to celebrate our freedom, and a day to recognize the sacrifices that others made, so that we can be free. It is a day to remember that nothing happens without a price and history judges which side is good and which is evil. In the moment we usually tend to think our side is right, but we all know that the moment is deceptive.
The way to win is to look after your person, family and friends. Do good in our world, be kind to others, and practice what you believe makes this country a better place.
Everyone thinks they know, everyone believes their view is correct, because if we all knew the facts we might make different choices. In an age where information is easily shared and lies look like truth and truth can look like a well placed lie it is very hard to know what is real and what is a deception used by power to bring us into line.
Information is tricky, it is not always used to simplify and clarify, it can also be used to twist up people’s thinking. No matter what you believe, always be alert to odd new information, and know that we can all be tricked and deceived into looking at our friends and neighbors and seeing an enemy.
Celebrate the freedoms of this country and know that they are as fragile as a thin piece of glass and many people in power are walking around with hammers in their hands.