Life is Life
Too many times I have heard people ranking the lives of others in terms of importance and value. Let me throw a monkey wrench in that reasoning. There is no way to know the future, there are no guarantees, and no promises. A child’s life is no more valuable than a grandmother’s and a mother is every bit as important as a father. Loss is inevitable, but the way we lose life, that can be managed. Many people as they get older and watch friends die in horrible prolonged ways, dream of a simple dignified passing without pain and suffering. At the same time others will live fighting for their last breath on earth. People are different, ages, sizes, general health, and abilities, but value… well we all have equal value in my book. But then again, I believe in equal rights.
As the territory grows on NewEarth, you know the one, where the dragons and humans are working together. Heron and Grabon’s combined territories are seeing a need to declare humans and dragons as equal and to make moves to treat them more equally. How can that work? Dragons and Humans are not the same, yet they can be very similar. Read Grabon’s Nest and Acceptance to get the first glimpse of how the territory changes to being more equal.