Kindness Spreads
Ever notice that nobody disputes the spread of negativity, bad attitude, or criminal mischief? That’s because we have all seen it work through a crowd, an office, or a family. It is pervasive and quick to spring up if even one strong root is allowed to grow.
The same is true of cheerfulness, happiness, and generosity. In some places these are considered the currency of the weak, the mindless, the unsophisticated, but in truth it is a weapon against the dark side. Yes, the dark side, not like in Star Wars, but the dark side of humanity, depression, unhappiness, and discontent.
Let’s face it, coming up with a list of things that are wrong is a simple. Finding the things that are good is much more of a challenge for most people. Train your brain to think well of things in every situation and your whole outlook will change.
The easiest way, the life hack if you enjoy the term, is to do nice things for others. Pick a number each morning, do that many random acts of kindness between sun rise and sunset. Bet me your days will start to shine. Not only will you feel better, but so will everyone around you.