Julia's Blog
Drunk Psychic Dragons
I am not sure what it says about my life, but when I thought of adding wine (whiskey or bourbon) to NewEarth, the image of drunk psychic dragons did more than make me giggle, it left me rolling on the floor. Then Grabon, who is so intellectual, being inebriated, slightly insecure, and sluring his thoughts…
Read MoreThe Planet
What exactly is this planet that the dragons and humans all refer to? Most of the humans have a sense that their power comes from the planet, but they are unclear how much sentient credit to give it, or even what exactly they are connecting to. The confusion among humans about the bonds, even the…
Read MoreNew vs Old Earth
Probably the first real difference is the green sky, the two suns, the two moons and of course the different plants and animals. On NewEarth there is an abundance of fresh water, but there are salt water oceans as well. The humans on NewEarth are dedicated “Greenies” descendants of people who left old earth to…
Read MoreThe Heartsinger
Why would Tad and Heron and everyone else want to keep Dotty from admitting publicly that she is the Heartsinger? Heron recalls a time when Heartsingers were kidnapped. While Tad and Hess think that was a long time ago, they still understand the danger. Tad tries to explain it to Dotty, people will be coping…
Read MoreOld Friends
I had the pleasure of catching up with an old friend on the phone. It was amazing how quickly we fell into the same patterns of conversations as always. It had been at least a year and it was wonderful to hear his voice and find out how he was doing. Like many of my…
Read MoreDangers on NewEarth
One of the more interesting things about writing about a fictional planet is getting to makeup all the dangers. I especially enjoy natural dangers, things that are not necessarily a bad person messing up the characters life. To that end we got the stinger, that nasty flying bug that stung Heron in book 2. We…
Read MoreCows 🐮
In between writing, I spend an inordinate amount of time watching the cows move from one field to another, interact, raise their babies and search for that ever elusive perfect blade of grass. Yesterday was a perfect example. They were as usual playing hide the babies, and as we started watching, one of the babies…
Read MoreA ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Review for TheHeartsinger
Found on Amazon… “Another great book in the continuation of the NewEarth series. I love the new characters, the swift and brutal justice, and following all of the characters both human and dragon from story to story. Buy it, read it, and become a NewEarth fan along with me!” Thanks so much!
Read MoreKev and Fin
If you are enjoying the series and wonder about these boys, I promise they will feature again in my books until they are grown and finding mates of their own. Kev taught Human to many dragons and is working on his communication skills. Since he was a youngster he was fascinated with the idea of…
Read MoreTad and Hess
As I was working on book 4, it occurred to me that people may have overlooked some of the fine differences between Tad and Hess, the brothers who are cousins to Gordon. In book 3 Tad meets Dotty. In book 4 Hess meets his LeeAnn. This changes both of them significantly and in ways neither…
Read MoreLow Tech
Why have the humans and dragons use very little technology? While many humans are driven to seek the newest and fastest way of doing everything, that is not a drive our entire species shares. I can see a group of no to low tech settlers who would choose to use the hand methods of survival.…
Read MoreTwo Species
Why did I decide to make dragons and humans so similar? One of the most interesting things about humans is their inability to see similarities because they are focusing so intently on differences. Many humans find it impossible to identify common ground with others in order to get along simply because of religious, cultural, or…
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