Julia's Blog
Dragon Time
Dragons separate the day into time blocks, it just isn’t the same as we have here on old earth. The humans when they landed on NewEarth developed almost an identical way of measuring time. With two suns and two moons, this is how it tends to go. First sun rising, two suns up, sun high…
Read MoreThe Great and Wonderful Jethro
My poor pup, who is now almost 13 years old, twisted his hip jumping in and out of the car. He has also been suffering with a skin rash for months. After multiple rounds of antibiotics and other options we finally started the medicated bath treatments today. To say that the mighty Jethro hates and…
Read MoreReviews: Please and Thank You
I want to thank everyone who has written a review and plead with those of you who have not, to please write one. Gordon’s Pride has 10 reviews on Amazon, at 15 certain magic doors open for advertising. Please, if you have read and enjoyed the story write that down on Amazon’s review page. Simply…
Read MoreGordon’s Pride Review
A wonderful story, well written and fun to read. I recommend the series to everyone who enjoys fantasy sprinkled with romance.
Read MoreShopping
Have you ever heard a warning about shopping when you are hungry? It is absolutely true that you can end up the proud owner of the largest sampling of junk food known to man. Impulsive shopping is not something we generally indulge in, but we have had our moments. Recently we were in the store,…
Read MoreCharacters
Many of my characters grow, mature, age and in some cases get sick and eventually die. Even a dragon with 200 or more years of living that they can anticipate, ages, grows ill, and eventually dies. It is part of living and life. If a dragon is unable to care for themselves, they join a…
Read MoreDragons
How did these mammals get to be called dragons? Well if you have looked at the pictures you have a pretty good image of what the dragons move like. The human settlers had been dropped off the night before, early spring, storms raged, rain beat down on their plastic containers and in some cases flipped…
Read MoreDragons are people too!
Occasionally I give the uncorrupted view of the child through Jenny or Matti in the stories. In Book 2, Heron’s Bonds, Jenny tells everyone, “Grabon is our people.” And of course from the dragon perspective the ones who are so different are the humans, not the dragons at all.
Read MoreEthics
Someone asked about the ethics of NewEarth, and I chuckled. Not because I was amused by the person, but the question is amusing. There is no single ethical base among a diverse group of people, certainly not between two species. There is the ethics a person claims and that which they practice. Among humans and…
Read MoreSpring Leaves
Even as we are still playing tag with freezing temps some nights, I have a few leaves showing green. Most of the branches are in bud or bare, but a few spring 🍁on the trees are actually making an appearance here in the Midwest. Now if only we can keep it from snowing, but alas…
Read MoreReading the News
Instead of watching the talking heads on the TV, I tend to read my news on my iPad, consulting multiple sources for the same story which allows me to compare facts. It has the added benefit of keeping me from getting caught up in the “wow, I can’t believe it…” drama and delivery that happens…
Read MoreGrabon’s Indulgence
You may have noticed that Grabon knows what he enjoys. He also avoids what he does not like, until there is no choice. He generally enjoys his life and his role as a territory dragon, he enjoys his friends, his clan, and his relationship with Heron. He is genuinely relieved that he does not have…
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