Julia's Blog
Dragon Wine
Aside from the potency of Griss’ wine, there is a question of how and where he has been making it while he awandered all these many cycles. In a later book dedicated to his story, readers will find out about his earlier life, but know that he has a still, set up in unclaimed territory…
Read MoreGriss as BrewMaster
On my NewEarth, brews are medicines sometimes mixed with water, sometimes wine, some hot, some cold and on occasioned they can be sweetened to make them more palatable. Griss, the large red dragon, has a collection of brew recipes he learned from his sire that have been collected and passed down for generations. Those recipes…
Read MoreReviews
I want to thank everyone for their help with this, we have 10 reviews of Gordon’s Pride, 6 reviews of Heron’s Bonds and already 3 reviews of The Heartsinger, Amazon calls it two but they have a total of 3, one on both the kindle and print and then two different ones on each format.…
Read MoreFor Heron’s Bonds ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thanks Chris…“loved it great continuation in the story of dragons and humans. I have just ordered the 3rd book in series heartsinger cant wait to get started.”
Read MoreGriss
My artist has done some amazing work, but Athena’s latest is the scene with the Farmers visiting Grabon’s nest and enjoying a little too much of Griss’s wine. The scene is in book 2 Heron’s Bonds, if you haven’t read it, it is really very funny. Griss is the large red dragon and he comes…
Read MoreCold Turn
You know that old saying about lemons and lemonaide, well the cold weather has given me an idea that baking may be in order. After I get some editing done I think I’ll drag out the kitchen aid and see about making some cinnamon rolls. Nothing fills the House with positive energy like orange tea…
Read MoreDragon Compliment
The dragons of NewEarth like substance in their compliments, so instead of focusing on the size or shape of someone’s nose or wings, they would compliment the person on their dedication to purpose or their loyalty to their friends. Now to another male dragon they may comment on the shape and size of her parts,…
Read MoreWeekend
Now that I am writing full time, weekends do not mean the same. When I was teaching, those two days were paperwork, laundry, mucking out the house and recharging. Occasionally I met with students, did a few home visits got involved in an activity with kids, but I tried to keep that time to sleep,…
Read MoreBlanket Fort
Have I mentioned that the great and wonderful Jethro happens to be part chicken? Well he is. Last night we had a very interesting weather show with flashing lights and loud bangs and booms. Being the chicken that he is, Jethro was hiding. He has a few favorite spots to wiggle into when things get…
Read MoreGrabon
Grabon like all Territory dragons has a sense of his own power and responsibility, including how it can be corrupted. If you had been born with the power to rule, would you choose to embrace it? Not all dragons do, many choose instead to become clan dragons, finding a territory dragon they trust to make…
Read MorePets
This goes back to a rule governing territory dragons: A pet is a creature, any creature that you provide for and keep safe, or at least attempt to keep safe. Basically you feed it and give it shelter. That holds true in NewEarth as well. Some creatures are kept as pets and a person shouldn’t…
Read MoreSpiders and Ants
It is a terrible thing to give less value to some life forms, but honestly spiders and ants are not my favorites. 🕷 and 🐜 make my flesh crawl. Large, small, thick or thin they bother me if they are inside my house. Outside, we’ll it’s different. Outside is where they belong. Unless, and I…
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