Julia's Blog
While the first stage of plowing is done, the dirt still needs to be disked and raked. After that I can plant, but meanwhile I have all manner of plants growing inside. Outside, we have bushes and trees blooming and popping out leaves. My lilacs are blooming which always puts a smile on my face.…
Read MoreBook 4
Who is that falling into the nest? That tends to be the most frequently asked question from readers. Her name is LeeAnn. Against all odds she manages to survive, but obviously things do not go smoothly. Have you ever tried to convince someone that someone or something has value and they stubbornly refuse to see…
Read MoreDishes and Food Prep
In many books that I have read, food, beautifully prepared mysteriously appears. Laundry is magically achieved or never even thought of and dishes, if not used as foreplay, are something a good fairy manages while the characters are sleeping. However, domestic heroes deserve credit. It takes real work and skill to plan and prepare three…
Read MoreWatching Cows
As I am sure I have mentioned before, we spend a lot of time watching cows. Did you know they set up nursery coverage within a herd? They set four to five mommas to watch the babies while everyone else goes off to graze. Those cows on nursery duty, and it changes every day, slowly…
Read MoreBooks
Are you an ebook person or a paper book person? When I was a kid the real question was paperback or hardback, now almost nobody is looking for hardbacks of popular fiction, although you can find them for new releases in certain book stores. My dad has talked about a collectors volume of my stories…
Read MoreEarth Day
If you have read my books, you probably get the sense that while I am not what anyone would call a fanatic, I do believe in preserving the natural balance of the earth. Water on our planet is portable and connects continents, oceans, and lakes to our drinking water as well as the water we…
Read MoreMake-up the Bed
It may be terribly old fashioned, but we start every morning with making-up the bed. My husband looked at me frowning this morning and said in his gentlest voice. “ It is real. You don’t have to make it up.” This cracked us both up so much it took a while before it was done.…
Read MoreSocial Media
Readers, I am easy to find on Twitter, @JuliaSchmeelk10, Facebook, Julia Schmeelk Author, and I tag in and out of LinkedIn and Instagram. You can easily find the links on my website, JuliaSchmeelk.com, but what platform do you prefer? It seems that new ones are cropping up all the time, rising and falling very fast.…
Read MoreCharacter Chart
This may be helpful. You can find it on the website under NewEarth: reader’s resources. There are characters on here through book 4. We will update for book 5.
Read MoreFree Time
I don’t give myself too much free time, but occasionally I give myself a chunk to do some dreaming up of a new story. Yes, for those who are curious, that is all it takes. I recently noticed a phenomenon that had escaped me before. Free time spent in the confines of my own head,…
Read MoreRainy Sunday
With book 4 at the editors, the newsletter written, I think I am actually going to have some time to look over book 5 or read something I haven’t written. Currently I have a Linda Howard and a Sherrilyn Kenyon I haven’t read… That reminds me, if you haven’t signed up on JuliaSchmeelk.com for the…
Rok is an interesting character. Aside from him being a dragon, one of Grabon’s rough and tumble friends, he was also the dragon sent to negotiate on Grabon’s behalf. He seems to know more about formal protocol than the rest and he invents things. In Healing, book 4, you see another side of him, you…
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