Julia's Blog
Crazy Dog
Jethro, that crazy dog is terrified of thunder and lightning and somehow he has connected the two. For a dog that is not known for his higher thinking skills, he makes the most inconvenient connections; lightning and thunder and suitcases and a long trip. I digress, but the point is long before we could hear…
Read MoreAlmost Ready
Healing is almost ready… I think 🤔 maybe… it is too close to call. Check in later today and I may have an update on exactly when…. Official release is the 10th, but I do enjoy getting it out early.
Read MoreLilacs
I am fond of most flowers, even the ones that smell like stinky old socks, as long as they are outside, but I love certain ones, probably because of the scent memories. Among my favorites are lilacs and here in Missouri the lilacs are in bloom. Those large purple fragrant sprays of flowers welcome the…
Read MoreApril is Gone
So during the month of April we sent out the Newsletter and I gave away 2 more books and at least 1 piece of art. If you are signed up for free stuff on my newsletter list, I may pick you next. It is never to late to sign up, simply find the right tab…
Read MoreWagons
How many different kinds of wagons do the humans use? There is a one bentar, two wheeled little cart, the two wheeled larger cart pulled by two birds. There is the 4 wheeled wagon pulled by two birds. Smallest cattle wagon pulled by one cattle, medium size cattle wagon pulled by two cattle and the…
Read MoreReviews for Authors
Please review the books on Amazon. Not only do reviews help other readers decide to give a new author a chance, Amazon uses the number of reviews to determine how well an authors books are placed, which ones are recommended and which ones deserve promotion. So please, if you liked it beyond a shrug of…
Read MoreCharacter map
The NewEarth Series has many characters manynwith Bonds and other attachments which is why we are developing the character map and we keep it on the website. However, Inalso thought it might be helpful to put it in a post so people can print it and use it as a bookmark if nothing else as…
Read MoreEditing Run
Sending out a new story every other month is a crazy pace for a writer and a crazy pace for an editor as well. It makes adjustments to the website come fast and furious and my artist is a gem for keeping up the way she has. To say the least, it is not a…
Read MoreBunnies
Spring is a fabulous season. We have baby bunnies living under the house, racing around corners, teasing the dog and hiding in plain sight. It’s only a problem if you happen to be walking, driving, digging, planting or trying to do anything in the yard. On the other hand, they are adorable. One decided that…
Read MoreMia the Story Teller
A storyteller among the dragons is an important craft. Not only do they remember ancient and modern stories that tell lessons and histories, they define the roles for dragon society and impart all common knowledge. In some ways storytellers are teachers, preachers, and newscarriers. It is a job of enormous importance in a clan.
Read MoreDragon Markings
As you may have noticed in either the pics or descriptions in the books, my dragons have interesting markings on their bodies as well as on their faces. Those are not tattoos but are natural. The story from the history of dragons is that in the beginning when the planet first adopted the dragons as…
Read MoreRomping among Dragons
The dragons have a very pragmatic view of sex outside of a mating bond. They don’t place a lot of importance on it aside from it being a biological need that should be fulfilled. Males and females issue an invitation if they are interested and it is either accepted or rejected. It only becomes important…
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