Julia's Blog
Brom and Griss
Being granted custody of their youngsters was a dream. When Grabon made that happen, Brom and Griss were faced with certain decisions about how to raise their youngsters and you see evidence of those shifting decisions all the time. At first, they were going to be traditional dragons in Grabon’s territory, but of course that…
Read MoreCar Travel
After spending the day in the car and traveling over 600 miles, I am grateful for the combustion engine. It is fun to fantasize about cattle or elephants pulling a wagon and I love horse drawn carriages, but for sheer convenience and speed the only thing that beats a car is a plane and that…
Read MoreDragon Hands
NewEarth has very little technology as we think of it but there are a number of tools, some familiar to humans others more familiar to dragons. The key differences between their two tool types have more to do with culture and the shape of their hands. Dragons have two thumbs on each hand. That makes…
Read MoreNew Equipment
It is entirely a human concern, the excitement and dread of getting new equipment. Most of us have experienced having to learn a new way of doing something with a new tool. I can remember wishing I could use the old word processessor. My last vacuum had different buttons and I could find them in…
Read MoreAwandering
Why would dragons kick their new youths out of the nest to find out for themselves how big the world is? What is the importance of that journey to adulthood? Why is self reliance so important and self discovery essential to a dragon’s development? Among humans, do our youth need to establish independence? They do…
Read MoreAcceptance
One of the themes for Healing, NewEarth4, is acceptance. It is a theme that continues to reoccure in the series, so don’t be surprised when you see it again. Acceptance for LeeAnn involves more than a reluctant welcome. It involves providing for Golly’s needs as well as her own need to heal, to love, and…
Read MoreZack
During Healing book 4, a young man is discovered throwing rocks with power backing his muscle, he hit a sheep, one of the Taylor’s sheep, narrowly missing Kimmi. That young man, Zack, becomes a very important character for the rest of the series. Now I don’t want to give too much away, but as…
Read MoreGordon’s Barns
I don’t know how familiar you are with barns of different sizes and shapes here on OldEarth, but while they are solid in structure, they lack for a certain type of closure, especially after a few decades of use. In fact on a bright day if you go inside and close the doors, lots of…
Read MoreVisiting
Every other month or so we do our best to visit my parents. Sometimes it’s for a singular large project, sometimes for fun and holidays, other times we like to help out with chores and things. If my husband and I are no spring chickens, you can guess the age frame of my folks. So…
Read MoreCooperation
Cooperation is a huge concept. It means more than compliance, more than agreemement, it means to actively help further a cause, to help a group push something forward with a single goal or agenda. Humans are not by nature cooperative, it is learned and some never learn the skill. Grabon’s clan are cooperative. Those around…
Read MoreGenre debate and discussion
I had several interesting responses from genre questions from readers and also my editor JoSalle. First reader to respond! —My pick for theme is cooperation, which is close to friendship and hope. I love the way both species work together to build a new culture, so far from their original homes. As for genre, I…
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