Julia's Blog
An Old Favorite
I am rereading Thea Harrison’s Elder Races Series. Has anyone else read her stuff. She does an amazing job of blending the fantasy and our current world. She is an amazing author, builds fine, strong characters and blends, myths, legends and her own special brand of fantasy with a healthy dollop of passion and history.…
Read MoreCar 🚘 Trouble
Yesterday we heard a funny noise, but it stopped. Today Shawn was sitting on the porch smoking when looking at the truck he noticed that one wheel was not straight. The mechanic is on his way with a tow truck to decide if it is drivable. As convenient as vehicles are, I sometimes wish I…
Read MoreFeedback Time
I included a character map in the beginning of Healing book 4. Did people find it helpful? Would it be better placed at the end? Should I have not include characters from that book? Feedback is appreciated. On the website is a character map- pictorial, have people found that to be helpful? Should I keep…
Read MoreThe Market and Dragons
It is not that dragons don’t trade, it is not that they aren’t industrious, but they don’t trade and sell goods like humans with a drive and abandon towards consumerism. However, the idea has appeal as we find out as dragon’s come from all over the continent to participate in the Dragon Market in Grabon’s…
Read MoreParking Lot Adventures
We spent a good portion of the day shopping. At one point we were loading the scooter into the back of our Blazer and the cart, filled with goods, started to roll. A bag from a previous stop fell across the loading path for the scooter and needed to be moved. Between Shawn and I…
Read MoreCharacters
Someone recently asked me if any of my characters surprise me. I thought it was an interesting question as they always do. If I attempt to direct them instead on let them play out, I end up with stilted choppy writing that no one wants to read. However if the question was which character surprises…
Read MorePlanting Tomatoes
🍅 The favorite plant of mine, I plant multiple varieties and watch them flower and bloom with anticipation every year. This year I am trying some gardening tarp to see if it reduces weeds. I am also going to use an essential oils spray to ward off tomato horn worms. My plants have been growing for…
Read MoreThanks for Reviews
To everyone who has read and left a review on Amazon, thank you!😃😃😃😁 As I may have mentioned once or twice, reviews are really important to independent writers. If you have read one of my books, or any book, please take a minute and write a review.
Read MoreNew Cards
We are getting ready to go to Denver for the big RWA, Romance Writers of America, conference. A common practice is to exchange cards with real contact info among other authors, editors, and publishers. These cards have more information than you give a fan or reader which has the website url, in my case JuliaSchmeelk.com.…
Read MoreBack on Line
Wow! 😮 Thanks to everyone for their forbarence, to Bryon for letting us use his WiFi, to readers for their willingness to stick with us and for family and friends in the face of our silence, thanks! We are once again online, now to catch up with everyone will take a few days. Keep reading!
Read MoreUtopian Literature
Most people are fans of the dystopian story, one that paints a world in one way twisted so badly that it highlights a weakness in society, whether it is the mob mentality of Lord of the Flies or the corrupting influence of technology and inattention of Ferinheight 451, the purpose of dystopian lit is to…
Read MoreGrabon’s Nest
Just about anyone will tell you that I am a work horse. I work a different pace from others and I have always been comfortable with that. If that means I do more, who cares, but lately it is causing some problems. Finding the pacing for working with my editor is a challenge. I like…
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