Julia's Blog
New Connection
Hello everyone, Once again we are trying to establish another Facebook account specific to my writing. Come find me on Facebook at NewEarth Schmeelk. It is open to the public and I will be happy to see you. I am hoping to simply connect my blog to that account the same as it is on…
Read MoreSystems of Power
Up until book 5 there are only hints of the dragon political power structure. In Grabon’s Nest some of the system is explained and while it is similar to human systems of old, it is completely different as the planet itself seems to play a tangible part. As humans learn about the system, see how…
Read MoreHeron
Have you noticed that while Grabon is growing into the position of Territory Dragon, Heron seems to be assuming a leadership role as well? His role begins to expand again in book 5, Grabon’s Nest, and gets larger still in the following books. Heron is a fun character to write, some human thinking, some dragon…
Read MoreEmpowerment
One of the most interesting comments people make about Gordon’s Pride is that Hanna is a downtrodden character who submits too easily and does not stand for herself against Gordon’s overwhelming strength and dominance. As humans when we have been consistently devalued, abandoned and in some cases physically neglected, the response is not usually an…
Read MoreTrauma and Disabilities
As we are getting book 5 ready and I know book six is also around the corner, I think maybe it is time to talk about the disability aspect of the NewEarth Series. As you read the books you will discover a number of recognizable disabilities. Some of the disabilities are in the human population,…
Read MoreFemale dragons
The first female dragon in Grabon’s territory was Mia, maybe not the first to visit but the first clan member who is female. She may be Pit’s mate, but she is independent, a storyteller and a female with her own way of doing things. Tria was added later, first as a guest and then as…
Read MoreDrive Ups
We recently found a Subway with a drive-up window. Instead of a speaker and menu outside, anchored to the ground they had a touchscreen. Place your own order, make your own mistakes. Then you drive over to the window and pick up your food, already made, bagged and ready for you. It was fast, and…
Read MoreFantasy vs Real World
Obviously I have a rich and detailed fantasy life. The amazing thing to me was I was able to set aside my imaginative writing and musings for the school year and only allow myself to write during the summers for so many years. Now that I am officially retired from teaching, I write all the…
Read MoreExcitement on the Farm
Shawn and I had just finished eating dinner. A favorite of ours, boneless ribs broiled then slow cooked in the crockpot with BBQ sauce until they are falling apart-gooey and sticky, along with mac and cheese and pickles. Feeling over stuffed and lazy I answered the phone. Our neighbor, friend and landlord had trapped a…
Read More5⭐️‘S for Healing
So happy and grateful to rejoin my friends on New Earth! And to meet such wonderful characters as LeeAnn and Golly and Zach. Really love The Market ~ wish I could go there! This series just keeps getting more and more fascinating, with more and more characters and amazing events! Another real page turner!
Read MoreWorld Building
World Building is the fantasy term for the type of writing involved in creating NewEarth. Sometimes it is refered to as high fantasy and whatever you call it, it is great fun for the writer and hopefully equally adventurous and entertaining for the the reader. The trick of course is to keep a plane from…
Read MoreNew Characters
As we get into book 5 of the series and I begin work on book 6 getting it ready for an October release date, the number of characters a reader is keeping track of becomes overwhelming. That’s why we are working hard to come up with the best kind and form of character map. If…
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