Julia's Blog
Now that people have read the story and gotten to know LeeAnn, isn’t that an amazing talent and skill, the type of healing she does? I wish I could do that for myself and family members. That first dragon dropped her into the nest, so her body was broken, and she managed to heal the…
Read MoreBusy Day Hot Day
I intended to blog earlier and missed the chance. Oh look, something else to do. Excuses made and please accept my apology so we can move on. I am not sure of the weather of where you are, but here in the Midwest it is hot, let me say that again, H O T !…
Read MoreNew Facebook
I opened a new Facebook account, NewEarth Schmeelk. I made it a public account so readers could coorispond and get in touch with me. It absolutely amazed me how many pics of penises I got for my trouble. I had to repress the urge to send answers, with recommendations for decorations and uses for those…
Read MoreMeeting People
We went to a little street festival over the weekend where I was able to meet people, shake hands and hand out my cards inviting people to visit the website and find out about my books. I meet some of the nicest people that way and at the same time we made a few purchases.…
Read MoreHappy Father’s Day
Fathers are a very important part of growing up, whether a child is male or female, having a parent filling the father role is valuable. So to all those parents filling the role whether by blood or bond, love or responsibility, regardless of your gender, do a good job and make those children feel safe…
Read MoreDragon Colors
Mia tells the story in a later book, and she does it much better, but someone asked why my humans are brown and my dragons are colored. Good question. My humans are brown because they came from earth from all corners of the planet and matched according to skill, need, love and survival. Their offspring,…
Read MoreEdits are Coming Along
Edits are an important part of getting a book ready and in my case they come in parts and pieces. I finally got the last edits in for round 1. It looks like book 5 will arrive on time and be ready by July 10. For those who think I should snap my fingers and…
Read MoreHumans on NewEarth
How exactly did the humans get there? I cover it pretty extensively in the foreword of the first 3 books, but to sum it up a coorporation had been exposed for using unsafe environmental practices and having an environmental disaster on a planet they were harvesting resources from, so they set up an environmentally friendly…
Read MoreNewEarth
Not only is the sky green, the two suns and two moons are a dead giveaway you are on another planet, but there are the trees of different colors and types, mostly greens and reds. There are animals and plants that are very different from what an OldEarth bound human would expect and of course…
Read MoreNew Art
Bryon, the designer of my web site and promotion adviser, managed to wave his technical wand and make more pics apear in the art gallery. We are soon going to be ready to send out the next newsletter and reveal the cover and title for NewEarth6, as well as take feedback and input from my…
Read MoreHumans and Dragons
With the dragons of NewEarth being mammals, intelligent, civilized in their own way, what makes them different from humans? Is it their appearance? The ability to fly? Could it be the extraordinary colors and markings? Or is it cultural? Humans refer to the planet almost in awe, as do the dragons. Dragons typically go awandering…
Read MoreSound Barriers
I have a loud voice, that isn’t even much of an opinion as it is a fact. It can travel great distances outside and in a confined space, my voice will bounce off the walls. As a teacher it was an asset as well as a liability. Being loud does not mean everyone can hear…
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