Julia's Blog
Favorite Character?
Which of the characters is your favorite? Is it a male or female, mature or not, human or dragon? Someone asked if they could have a different favorite for each book. Of course you can.
Read MoreNeighbors
When Grabon claimed the territory, the only people there were humans. Those in the village and those on Gordon’s farm. No other dragons were close. Now that the market is established and dragons are coming in to visit it was bound to happen. One of those visitors looks around at a neighboring territory and takes…
Read MoreHeron
He is the white haired man; muscular, wise and companion to Grabon. He is the human who knows the most about dragons and their culture. However he is also a mate, a father and a fierce fighter when the need arises. He designs and makes wagons for the territory and he can carve, but not…
Read MoreZack and Tria and Golly
The first youth in Grabon’s nest was Golly, then Tria and last it was Zack. Golly was there knowing he would die there. Tria was a visitor, but she is so small and young that everyone makes room for her inside the nest. Besides, she befriends Golly, which pretty much means she hits everyone’s soft…
Read MoreAnticipation
I have been getting book 5 ready and playing around with the title and some concepts for the cover of book 6. I think based on the way the other titles have gone I may go with a single word title. As we get closer I will be sure to share at least one of…
She is a musician, part of a band that wanders from territory to territory playing music. She is small, she is feminine, and she looks almost exactly like Tria; that young youth that flew into the territory and bit the head off of a hopper that Kev was speaking with. Where does she come from?…
Read MoreSneak Peek
In Grabon’s Nest, you meet a character who acts as a spy or shall we be polite and call him a representative for the continent’s council. He is of course a dragon and he was sent to Grabon’s territory to make sure that while different, Grabon was not misusing his power or hurting anyone. The…
Read MoreSudden Storm
We had a series of small storms yesterday. Our house weathered it well, but between the third and fourth wave, Shawn and I brought in from the shed Jethro’s crate to make him a cozy cave, since he hates storms with rolling thunder and crazy flashes of lightning. So it was already blowing again, leaves…
Read MoreKnowledge
When I was planning the NewEarth Series I was involved in discussions about experiential learning and application of knowledge and how all of that could be applied in our current educational system along with apprentiship programs and mentoring. I don’t know if we ever managed to solve any problems in real life that helped any…
Read MoreTreasured People
In everyone’s life there are people who are treasured, in some cases it is the young, the teens or the elderly. I my life it tends to be an eclectic mix of ages and for some reason keeping track and in touch with everyone is difficult. Possibly because I am the most scattered and moved…
Read MoreRomance
There is a romance flavor to each of my books, some are a bit steamier than others, but the idea is each book includes a newly mated pair, but also the entire territory and other characters. I could have written it sidelining the relationships, but that would have left each aspect of the story less…
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