Julia's Blog
Let me walk people through the steps for approval for one of my books to go live. step 1 write book step 2 beta readers step 3 multiple rounds of editing step 4 formatting step 5 CreateSpace build back cover (Athena designs front) step 6 submit files for approval step 7 book gets filed and…
Read MoreMy Garden Grows
I am not a neat tidy row kind of gardener. I like to plant things in an amongst other things, not on barren stripped ground that gets sun baked and stripped of nutrients. Sometimes that works well, sometimes it doesn’t but it saves me a lot of time with weeding. I only pluck out anything…
Read MorePrimitive Living
I have been lucky enough in my life to live with indoor running water, both hot and cold; but I have known other people who could not afford such luxuries. None of them were environmentalists, by the way, they were all poor. The same is true of those who had no electric service. It was…
Read More💥 Fireworks 💥
We had a great time with our own display as well as watching others. The colors were brilliant, the booms loud and the smell of spent gunpowder are somehow all tangled up in the idea of freedom in America. Like many of our neighbors we took some care not to start a fire. We also…
Read MoreIndependence Day Celebrations
Be safe, sane and in control, drive with caution and extra awareness and be kind to kids and pets as they can be sidelined while the adults are in celebration mode for themselves. Otherwise, have a wonderful celebration day in recognition of the best parts of our country. And if the celebration all gets to…
Read MoreStories within Stories
Mia is the ultimate, story with the story, as she is the clan story teller, but aside from that, how many other stories are being told within the series? Can anybody guess or list them? I would start with human history and the implied destruction of earth’s natural environment. In that case, this is a…
Read MoreBusy Busy
With Independence Day tomorrow, book 5 almost ready and leaving to go to RWA right around the corner, I am busy. I am not sure when blowing things up became an American symbol of patriotism, maybe from the beginning, but we do enjoy the show. Or goal is to make some noise, light up the…
Read MoreGetting Ready!
Things are coming together for book5, Grabon’s Nest. I just love this story. There is so much happening with the territory and inside the clan, so much growth and so many things explained. I really hope readers enjoy it. As for book 6, coming out in October, we are working on the cover and I…
Read MoreReviews and Feedback
This is just a pleading note to readers to please leave reviews for the books you read. This isn’t just about my books but everyone’s and never think an author doesn’t read every word. I am connected to thousands of authors and half the discussions is about reviews and stars. Writing is a solitary occupation…
Read MoreExpressions
There are so many expressions that humans make that are noisy but nonverbal. For instance the puffing T sound that means in all sarcasm that you are fighting to suspend all belief. Then there is clearing or clicking in the throat while tossing the head, or turning aside. Plainly that means nobody wants to hear…
Read MoreDiscussion
I was having one of those interesting discussions with Grabon. I do that sometimes. I’m the writer and I know my characters so well that sometimes I talk to them. Anyway I asked him if he were to establish a territory here on OldEarth where it would be? First off he thinks we’re all crazy…
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