Julia's Blog
Rest Areas
Driving across our country gives a traveler a unique view of rest areas. Some had flush toilets, some only mulching toilets and others still with other technologies for processing human waste. The same for sinks, some had fresh water, others had hand sanitizer; we found auto start/shut off on sinks, and push button faucets were…
Read MoreStrangers
We rarely meet people we don’t enjoy, from the waiter at the pizza joint, sweating and straining to serve everyone to the lady manning the hotel desk. Shawn and I enjoy our encounters with people. We often strike up conversations with strangers at odd times and in odd places, but last night we broke our…
Read MoreTraveling
As we move along, admiring the spectacular western scenery, I squint and imagine what it must have been like five to seven hundred years ago. Then I change some of the trees to red, put a dragon or two in the sky, others perched on Messas and shine a green light on everything. My focus…
Read MorePlanet’s Abilities
If you have been reading the NewEarth Series, you have some ideas already of what types of abilities the planet offers to humans and dragons alike. Is there a particular one that appeals to you? If you could choose only one, what ability would it be? Which character has it? and… and this is difficult,…
Read MoreGrabon
As a youth, awandering from territory to territory before he met Heron and even after, do you think Grabon was a polite guest, following most of the rules of courtesy? Did he get invited into the territory nest often? I can see him aggressively demanding information, debating the territory dragon’s rules and challenging his reasons.…
Read MoreFocus
Like going into the grocery store with a list, I attended the RWA conference with a purpose. I wanted to know how to increase the audience for my books. So here is step one, asking my current readers to tell their friends about my books. Wait, there is more. If you haven’t left me a…
Read MoreThe Nicest People
It seems that wherever we go we always meet the nicest people. When we traveled back and forth from Alaska and Chicago, we used to marvel over how genuinely nice people were. On this trip to Denver, we have met so many wonderful people, all willing to share a smile, a good wish for the…
Read MoreDragons as Mammals
What made me think that dragons could be mammals? I was reading something about dinosaurs possibly being mammalian. That sparked one idea and my thoughts dove down a rabbit hole. It works that way with me. Little by little Grabon came to life in my mind and from there the story was formed. Grabon is…
Read MoreGordon
As the story grows and we move from book to book, can you see how Gordon relaxes, becomes more sociable? He is reveling in his own acceptance, in being one of the males and no longer the strongest, biggest and most powerful. He lost no respect from his new friends but he gained equals and…
Read MoreNew People
We always meet the nicest people when we travel. Sometimes it is just a brief exchange, but occasionally we get to discuss something. Language isn’t very much of a barrier for Shawn and I so we talk to just about anyone that we come across. The amazing thing is that most people respond with courtesy,…
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