Julia's Blog
Trissy’s Embarrassment
Being the youngest child in a large family can be difficult, especially if your father has always wanted a boy and had been stuck with girls every single time. For that youngest daughter, acceptance is often earned by being the son, or as close to, as the daughter can manage. Among Woodsmen who have traditional…
Read MoreBlackout Resolved
By seven last night, my husband and I were stretching cords from one room to the next, plugging in air conditioners and making the house livable for a night with only half power. By eight or half past, our friendly landlady called and said an electrician would be a half hour or so and work…
Read MoreThanks to Readers
Writers are typically insecure, cave-dwelling types, scared to show their true selves to the larger world. Anyone who has met me knows that isn’t me, but writing and publishing are scary. In fact it is more terrifying than facing a packed room of teens who are reluctant learners and teaching them English, or worse, math.…
Read MoreHeartsinger Review
This one snuck in and I didn’t see it right away. “Couldn’t put this one down! I wanted to know what happened next. The character development and story line keep building with intrigue. The story transitions well between the story of the community and the journey of “the Heartsinger
Read MoreGreat Reviews!
The second review came through on Grabon’s Nest, another 5⭐️ Tribute to my amazing characters. Schmeelk has done it yet again! After four volumes of single, sometimes lonely leadership, Grabon at last finds his mate ~ and what a surprise she is! The plots thicken, new characters come on board, and the adventures continue! What…
Read MoreOdd Morning
We woke to a partial blackout. What is that you ask? Good question… some of the lights, one of the air conditioners, half the appliances don’t have power. On the other hand, half of everything is working. We were fortunate, the well is working, we have water. My coffee pot has power, so I have…
Read MoreBest Plans
While my husband spotted stray cows on the wrong side of the fence, my friend was packing and the kid was eating, my internet went wonky just as I tried to send out a Blog post this morning. Would you be surprised to learn there was a long wait to speak with someone who represents…
Read MoreLeaving
My friend is leaving today, taking her daughter and flying back to work and her real life, leaving behind vacation memories and a quiet house. After the cleaning is done, laundry is put away and folded, I plan to sit at my computer and stare at a blank page while book 14 loads. While I…
Read MoreHeron
While Heron may have initially felt like he had dodged a blast by courting Trissy in dreams, he certainly did not feel that way when he realized he lacked the knowledge to repair their relationship after a mistake. Courting in dreams, making painful revelations without full consciousness may sound nice on the surface, but imagine…
Read MoreSickness
To create a world with no illness might be fun, but it would seriously hamper creating drama. Think about how often a stomach ache or a headache creates situations and drama, not to mention vomit erupting unexpectedly. Whether you are ancient or a baby in arms, illness is a part of human existence and it…
Read MoreLooking and Shopping
I remember when we would come out from Alaska and walking through a store felt like a museum, with too many things to look at and not enough eyes to see. So we have been slowly hitting stores with interesting items and unusual tidbits of fun. Of course none of the shops are like my…
Read MoreTrissy
Before Trissy met Heron in the flesh and she was following the impulse of a dream, moving when the separation between mates made staying still intolerable, she had no idea what was happening. It was like an illness, a fever she could never shake and after being so sick, surviving all those deaths and saving…
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