NewEarth Series - Gordon and Grabon

Julia's Blog

NewEarth Series - Book 6 - Acceptance cover


By Julia Schmeelk | August 30, 2018

As Lars learns in Book 6 of the NewEarth Series, 100 cycles is not too old to completely upend a dragons life. In order to earn acceptance into the clan, he must first prove himself and complete his task. What are Grabon and Heron going to ask him to do?

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Cattle Pulling a Wagon


By Julia Schmeelk | August 30, 2018

We are in the process of planning a move, going closer to my folks so we can do more and be more available. As people get close to 80 they need a bit of assistance with this and that, and fortunately I am in a position where I can do that. So we are looking…

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By Julia Schmeelk | August 30, 2018

Yesterday the neighbor’s donkey escaped the field and helped us out by eating our grass. We really need to get the grass mowed. I had even had a discussion with someone about it earlier, then we looked out and there was Rolex, trying to eat his way to a solution. It had been raining on…

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Marching Time

By Julia Schmeelk | August 30, 2018

One of the challenges when writing a series like mine is keeping track of time; seasons and cycles. Following the maturation of youngsters and youth based on their own species. Sometimes as I am sitting at my computer I feel like my head is going to explode. I have a similar problem with the children…

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Sweet Tea

By Julia Schmeelk | August 29, 2018

I drink a lot of tea, both hot and cold, flavored and plain, but I always use some form of sweetener. Unfortunately something in young leaves, green tea, makes me sick. The same can happen if I overbrew a cup of tea. That being case, I am somewhat picky about the type of tea I…

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Hipita and Lars

The Soother

By Julia Schmeelk | August 29, 2018

My first title for book6 was The Soother. Hipita who is an amazing character, and somewhat central to the story, happens to have a very interesting talent that goes well with her somewhat prickly personality.     Only I did that with Healing, naming the book after a talent and I did not want readers…

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By Julia Schmeelk | August 28, 2018

So I grew up without computers, long before the Information Age was underway and I have read a ton of articles about blogging. They tell you how to pick a singular theme, stick to it, draw in your audience, and entertain them with spin offs of the same thing. There is a load of advice…

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Spot Cleaning

By Julia Schmeelk | August 28, 2018

I like short cuts, especially cleaning shortcuts, although cooking shortcuts can be great as long as it doesn’t ruin the food. But back to cleaning, everyone’s least favorite job. It is an endless thankless chore. Spot cleaning and stark organization are my friends. I see some dirt,  clean it up, move this, wipe that, make…

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NewEarth3-Heartsinger - By Julia Schmeelk

FREE Last Day

By Julia Schmeelk | August 27, 2018

This is the final day for my free sale for The Heartsinger: NewEarth3. I am thrilled that so many people took the opportunity to download it and I hope they all read it and enjoy. The story of Dotty and Tad is a special one. Let me know who makes you want to tear your…

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By Julia Schmeelk | August 27, 2018

Every job has hard parts, out of control parts, those things that make us cringe or stall. As a writer I enjoy the rough draft, the grittiness of world building and character development. The second pass where action is added, movement, even gestures, hand motions and facial expressions. The third pass where emotion is built…

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Grabon's Nest and Heron's Hut

Human Arrogance

By Julia Schmeelk | August 26, 2018

Heron warns Grabon about the dangers of human arrogance, cautioning him that humans are no better than dragons when it comes to thinking they know everything, judge everything, especially what they do not fully understand. We see it all the time, one human presuming to know what is best for someone else and trying to…

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NewEarth Character Map


By Julia Schmeelk | August 26, 2018

There are maps and then there are maps. Take a look at this one. You probably won’t find the rivers and mountains, but it might give you an idea about how the series works. For more information, check out the website at and see out the reader’s resources. some characters have been added to…

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