Julia's Blog
Thanks Everyone
Aside from the writer, editor, artist, promotion management, and general support, there are the readers and the wonderful people who spread the word about every book, every review and every blog post. So a special thanks to everyone who has lent their support to all my projects and helped me get this series seen by…
Read MoreLars and Porter
If you have ever moved into a new neighborhood, you know that your first friend isn’t necessarily the best choice, but it is the first person you get to know in a new area. It isn’t any different for a new dragon coming into an unfamiliar territory. They meet others, make friends and surface connections…
Read MoreAcceptance is Here
Acceptance: NewEarth6, which is the story of Lars, his journey into Grabon’s territory and how he gain and learn acceptance, is now available on Amazon! The kindle version is $2.99 the book is $12.99 I hope people read it and enjoy it. I have no doubt we will get the links set up on the…
Read MoreFrowning at Computer
I spent a good portion of the day frowning at my computer, shaking the mouse at the screen, and yelling at the confounded contraption designed to make any sane person crazy. My husband and the dog were napping peacefully in the other room so I tried to limit my tantrums to mostly small noises on…
Read MoreNew Technology
I am a technology dunce and my friends call me Julie. I sort of feel like there should be a meeting for people like me where we confess our tech struggles in the dark, dank basement of some forgotten building. The thing is, I no sooner learn one system and it is replaced by another.…
Read MoreHome Inspection
Well, life is interesting… there had been no previous reports of radon or lead, no previous reports lulled us into a false sense of security. The previous owners had lived there a long time, since before radon was a known carcinogen and cause for lung cancer. So our plan is to have it mitigated, evicted…
Read MoreSweety the Pup
My parents are wonderful people and a new pup was just what they needed. Sweety has found a place in their home and is very lucky to be so joyously welcomed, but of course she now thinks it’s her due. Francie, their aging German Shepherd, is even tolerant of the much smaller and highly energetic…
Read MoreRules for Writing
Beyond the grammar rules and publishing guidelines, formatting demands and marketing rules, crafting a story is pretty lawless. Generally you need a beginning, middle, and an end. In most cases you need rising tension, climax and a reasonable story arch, although notable exceptions can be found among readers favorites. Critics think they determine the worth…
Read MoreCooking and Tea
In primitive conditions, without the use of technology, one of the most valuable skills is cooking. In Grabon’s Territory there are a number of people with great kitchen skills. A few of them are even dragons. The stories focus on all types of skills and talents, including those domestic skills. Tea is the preferred drink…
Read More5 Days Until Acceptance
Now that the editing is done and I have moved on to formatting, my heart is racing and I am filled with excitement at the idea of introducing this special story to the world. Not only is it a story about a dragon finding his place, his mate, and fulfilling his purpose; it is about…
Read MoreHopeful House 🏡
We saw the house yesterday. It is really great, lots of room for us, lots of room for our stuff, even a fenced yard for the dog. In town but quiet, less than 10 minutes from my parents, tucked away behind and around municipal buildings and in an established neighborhood. The house is part of…
Read More🐝 and 🧛♀️
Well it all started because I wasn’t watching where a I put my feet. You see I was working with my dad and we were managing two curly hoses, a bottle of poison, and a ton of mosquitoes. My parents have a bit of a problem with the blood sucking monsters, so we were doing…
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