Julia's Blog
There are a number of friendships that were established before the stories got started and many others that developed while readers were involved. The relationships between Grabon and his friends Brom, Rok, Pit, Thane and Griss were strong before they joined him in the territory, but they grew and expanded once the truth about his…
Read MoreDoorway Bars
If you have never had to install these bars, be thankful. It takes five hands, screws and a drill. In addition, you have to know who they are aimed for because each person uses a door approach differently. However if you happen to need assistance with doors and stairs and getting in and out of…
Read MoreBathroom
Anyone who has moved into an older home knows that setting the bathroom can be a chore. In this case we needed to remove an old established and broken shower rod, find and put up a curtain that I can enjoy. We naturally settled on two: one for inside the shower and a different for…
Read MoreRomance, Language, & Territory Names
Each novel in the NewEarth Series holds at least one romance, or forming of the mating bond, but it is not all focused on the mating pair, it is a continuation of the building of the territory. Each novel adds another piece to the expanding territory so that a whole new culture and society is…
Read MoreNewEarth Mating Bonds
My epic fantasy NewEarth Series has dragons, humans, and a planet with a mind of her own. She, the planet, is busy matching up the dragons and now the humans because she knows that a mated dragon is more stable and motivated to protect her and her interests. In some cases the matches make perfect…
Read MoreMoving Challenges
There are so many challenges to making a physical change in where you live, but I have listed a few for your entertainment. 1. New address, zip code, new house phone number, you look like an idiot who dooesn’t know where you live as you dig out or look up your new info on your…
Read MoreDiscoveries
One of the great things about moving to a new place is discovering all the treasures. The warm spot to sit, the best tree to watch, and the places where all the birds go. We have yet to set up our feeders or bird baths. Nature, however, has placed two magnificent old trees in our…
Read MoreElections
If you are an American, please vote today. I really don’t care about your political convictions, but please participate in the process. By using your rights, you protect them. Too many Americans have lived with rights for so long, they have forgotten how fundamentally important all those rights are and when they are threatened some…
Read MoreJethro
Animals are sensitive, I think most people know that. They can get their feelings hurt, experience anxiety over separation and have other issues. My mighty and brave Jethro has a few personality quirks that goes beyond the average. Hysterical blindness! Now before you laugh, know that this is pretty serious stuff, but it has a…
Read MoreProgress!
It may be a long time before everything has a place and it resides there, but I can find the kitchen counters and walk through. Even the table is functional. We converted a coat closet into a pantry, adding storage for our food. I still own forty seven specialty baking dishes and at least that…
Read MoreWe Are Connected 😆
My wonderful mother not only arranged to have the house cleaned, the best housewarming gift on the face of the planet, but she made the appointments to get us connected to the web, cable, and phone. So here we are after sleeping in the house for the first night and already getting connected. Thanks Mom!…
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