Julia's Blog
Porter came to the territory as a disgruntled human representative, hunting down LeeAnn and almost as soon as he decided to stay, he took on the task of helping out Zack. Little by little as he tries out different tasks Porter changes, his understanding grows and expands until he thinks he is able to represent…
Read MoreStrength
There are many different types of strength depicted in the NewEarth Series. The first being power and connection to the planet, then physical strength and size, third would be emotional fortitude and survival of trauma and grief, and next, the ability to rebuild and reinvent a life utterly destroyed by unpredictable events. Another strength is…
Read MoreSettling In
We bought a few lamps, still on the hunt for more. The ones we bought need to be assembled. We found these in the pics among the the treasures left behind. This morning with the assistance of my mother, we stumbled upon the method of setting up our voicemail. Yes, not surprising, we have a…
Read MoreFussing and Organizing
Our plan for the day is to fuss, organize, and buy some lamps. The fuss and organize part is to change and rearrange where this table is, and move those boxes downstairs. Then we’ll hang our hooks by the doors, so coats and hats and gloves can find a permanent home. I still have empty…
Read MoreNot Domestically Skilled
LeeAnn has many valuable skills, she is an extraordinary healer, able to use a shot of power to mend bone and flesh, saving lives quickly and easily. Her knowledge of plants and other cures is exceeded only by Griss, the Territory’s brew master, but they work together. LeeAnn has compassion, a healer’s dedication to preserving…
Read MoreDrumming for the Planet
Pia, Grabon’s mate, uses a drum to express the thoughts and feelings of the planet, much like a Heartsinger to draw out the emotions of others. Her connection to the planet is strong and it is an ability rarely seen among dragons. As is often the case with anything different, she was ridiculed, isolated, and…
Read MoreHipita’s Vision
Being a blind human comes with restrictions, some of them imposed by society, others by common sense, and still more by fear. If being a blind human is restrictive, being a blind dragon must be devistating. On the other hand, Hipita doesn’t seem to mind until she is given a bigger and different world to…
Read MoreSeat Belt Trouble
I don’t know about anybody else, but seatbelts like to creep around my neck and threaten to strangle me. This happens when I am a passenger and when I am driving so it may have to do with the shape of my body. In any case it is not a new problem and it is…
Read MoreSlide On the Move
Since I was a kid, I have always known my father was brilliant, but for this recent move, he came up with an idea, I use every day. He had, or bought a very long 12 inch wide 2 inch thick board. Then he created an extension so the board was the full distance of…
Mox is the beautiful brown dragon standing with Brom. In the scene you see Brom introducing his new mate to his youngster, Starseth, while they are inside his nest. Since I really don’t want to spoil any surprises, I will be careful when I tell you that Mox is a little bit stubborn, self assured,…
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