Julia's Blog
This may surprise you, but I have been accused of having an active imagination. The truth is, I cannot imagine lacking the ability to zoom off to another planet and speak with an alien leader, or have an insightful conversation with a fish. My imagination can run in multiple directions all at the same time…
Read MoreLove Readers
As a writer, or published author, nothing compares with knowing people are enjoying my stories. After those first few readers give it a thumbs up, my heart moves out of my throat and I can relax and wait to see what others think is of value in the stories, what parts stick in their heads,…
Read MoreFree Book
Aside from our monthly drawings and giveaways, I am putting Healing: NewEarth 4 on Amazon for free for three days the 14-16 of December. For those who do not know, LeeAnn and Hess have Star roles in that book, as does Grabon and Heron. It is a wonderful story about love and how it is…
Read MoreHolidays in a NewHouse
Like any couple that has been together for 30+ years, we have special ornaments, lights, and decorations. Some stay safe in their boxes, others need to have a home for the holidays where everyone can see them. Having a new home means finding a new place for everything. You would think with more room the…
Read MoreSpecial Tea
If you are like me and enjoy a hot cup of tea at all times of the day, but enjoy spicing it up a bit, here are a few ideas: hot black tea, I prefer teatley, but Lipton or another brand will do, and a splash of 7up or any other 🍋 lime soda. hot…
Read MoreCharacter Driven
One of my favorite reviews was only 3⭐️ For Gordon’s Pride, but it said after you get past the dragons and the mystery of why people are trying to kill Hanna, Gordon’s Pride takes on the quality of “Little House On the Prairie” type of interaction. That is a nice way of saying all the…
Read More5 ⭐️ Review for Acceptance
5.0 out of 5 starsAwsome December 2, 2018 Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase Awsome story telling each book gets better than the previous ones. You can easily become so immersed that you might actually believe dragons are real I love reviews, and thanks thanks so much to this wonderful reader.
Read MoreComplaint
Why can’t the world work according to the schedule in my head? If it did the house would take 5 minutes to clean, a great book would last six hours and a good book only five. If the world worked according to my rules fixing things would be fast and enjoying them would take time.…
Read More7 Seconds
A new house, new challenges, and new observations of human impatience. An understanding of the inner workings of toilets comes with age, or curiosity, I’m not sure which; but in any case, most people have fiddled with the back of a toilet at one time or another. We have a slow flushing toilet in the…
Read MoreYoungsters
I remember the day I realized I was going to be writing about baby dragons as well as human youngsters. I was really excited and started building developmental charts on how they matured and age approximations of when they changed and aquiered skills. Being a teacher in real life I think influenced my view, but…
Read MoreCharacter Confusion
When I began writing the series, I had no intention of writing a series, much less an interwoven series with so many characters that the average reader needed a chart to keep track of everyone and what species they are. By the third book, most people are looking for clues to confirm the idea that…
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