Julia's Blog
Waiting and Cooking
While waiting for my editor, Jo, to finish with book 7, I have started some of the holiday cooking. Candied pecans, fudge, cookies and cake. I am hoping to make a few involved dishes and get the cooking bug under control. Fortunately we have enough people to eat the food I always yearn to make…
Read MoreDragons And Sex
You may have noticed some of the differences between male and female dragons, in the width of shoulders and hips, the enlarged breasts for nursing and the slimmer neck. However the genitalia is recessed in dragons. It emerges during arrousal and much like humans, the male grows hard and erect and slides into the female.…
Read MoreFiction and Holidays
If I could write this next year into existence, I would eradicate certain diseases, I would change certain political practices, but most of all I would bring magic in the form of health and a wealth of love and acceptance to every heart. Have a wonderful holiday season, no mater which flavor of faith you…
Read MoreFrustration
I am waiting for my editor too return book 7 so I can get started on making changes. The last two re-writes take time and I did not want to be working over the holidays. She has had it since the beginning of October. However, she has many other clients, she just had a major…
Read MoreBuilding Fence
So I was lucky enough to help my dad put in a dog yard so he can slide the door open and let the pups out to play. This involved sinking fence posts with a sledge, rolling out fencing and for fasteners we used zip ties. It worked well and they have a usable fence…
Read MoreThe Hunter
I don’t know if you have heard, but The Hunter is scheduled for release in January. It is an exciting book featuring a Brom, a gray and white dragon, his youngster Starseth, and Mox, a visiting healer. Brom is featured on the cover, holding a hunting knife. One of the things you find out about…
Read MoreDoor Cover
I enjoy Christmas, all the flash, color and decoration. The music is eclectic and fun, the spirit of the holiday is always a celebration which feeds my determined positive outlook, my personal armor against depression. This year we found a door cover on sale, really very cheap, a Christmas scene, it lights up, plays music,…
Read MoreHipita (Book 6)
Hipita was born with limited sight, she copes very well in a sighted world and she tends to reject pity. At the same time, you can understand why she did not want to meet a potential mate and have him reject her when he realized her vision is not the same as everyone else’s. Does…
Read MoreWarm Winter Day!
It is amazing how a little sun and warmth can lighten things up. Patches of my yard even thawed enough to get some bulbs in the ground for spring. We put together my yard wagon and the mighty Jethro and I played outside. Now that the snow is melting, maybe we should set up the…
Read MoreWonderful Day!
Not only am I giving away free copies of Healing: NewEarth4, that wonderful story about LeeAnn the healer, her huge friend Golly who is not only physically deformed from torture, but developmentally challenged from a genetic disorder; but I got a new review for Gordon’s Pride. Giving away Books is fun, but getting a review…
Read MoreFree Today!
It is finally here, the day I am giving away free copies of the Healing: NewEarth4 novel. Download it for free from Amazon. Then if you don’t mind, write a review for Amazon. Healing is a fantastic story about LeeAnn. A human woman with an abundance of power. She was raised by two healers, her…
Read MoreMaking a List
I feel like Santa, making my list and checking it twice. How did all this get so uneven? I have two people with gifts that are missing. Either I hid them so well, not unreasonable considering the move, or I spaced them and never purchased what I had planned. Either way, Amazon is my friend,…
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