NewEarth Series - Gordon and Grabon

Julia's Blog

Grabon as King

By Julia Schmeelk | August 25, 2021

Anyone who has read my books realizes that a territory dragon is more like a king than anything else. Yet a territory dragon is held to a set of rules by the continental council. The council is answerable to the planet. In that way, there is accountability, but the system of government is definitely not…

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NewEarth2 - HeronsBonds - Book Cover


By Julia Schmeelk | August 24, 2021

Trissy’s family was essentially wiped out by an illness that went through their Woodsman group killing all but 4 people, the two male cousins, Trissy and Jenny. Jenny age 2, was still weak and sick and the cousins tried to convince Trissy to leave her behind. They were convinced she was going to die anyway,…

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NewEarth Gibber

Beasts and Birds

By Julia Schmeelk | August 23, 2021

In the green sky world of NewEarth there are some fun beasts and birds that Athena my artist did a fantastic job of depicting. There is the puton, a large cat like creature, that is a top of the food-chain hunter. The fanger is like a wild boar, only bigger, and it eats everything and…

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By Julia Schmeelk | August 22, 2021

Not all deception is bad. Grabon and Heron deceived all the humans and dragons they knew, letting the dragons believe Heron was a human pet and letting the humans believe that Grabon was a dragon pet. It wasn’t until they were both safe with Grabon claiming his territory that the truth began to come out.…

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By Julia Schmeelk | August 21, 2021

“All the humans have powers, psychic or magical powers.” Those powers are really a byproduct of their connection with the planet. They are a gift, given freely by a powerful, meddling planet attempting to adopt a second species and bring them all into her circle of influence. The dragons have a unique understanding of the…

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By Julia Schmeelk | August 19, 2021

You might have noticed that Hanna is a great cook. From her meat pies to her morning bread; her stews and jams are favorites and her cookies are legendary. One critic pointed out that much of her time is spent in the kitchen cooking and planning meals. He thought this was old fashioned and sexist.…

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NewEarth Storms

By Julia Schmeelk | August 18, 2021

Hannah experiences the storms of NewEarth in Gordon’s Pride, when the wind and rain rip across the land, knocking down dwellings and flattening things in her path. When Hannah was alone those storms were terrifying because she had no shelter beyond the walls and roof. When she was claimed by Gordon, she was surrounded by…

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Storms and Damage

By Julia Schmeelk | August 17, 2021

We had a couple of impressive storms. I know my brother, some 900 miles away experienced some of his own. Trees have been uprooted, split in half, knocked over and tossed onto power lines. In general the storms made a mess of things and the sound of chainsaws took over as soon as the thunder…

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NewEarth Hens


By Julia Schmeelk | August 16, 2021

In all 6 books there is a scattered mention of hens. They are much like chickens, providing eggs and kept in a protected environment so as not to fall prey to any passing puton. Gordon has a huge hen house and he gave a bunch to Heron when he completed the hut. Golly had an…

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NewEarth4 - Healing - by Julia Schmeelk

LeeAnn the Healer

By Julia Schmeelk | August 15, 2021

In book 4, LeeAnn, this amazing young woman who has survived some terrible circumstances, is dropped into Grabon’s nest. This is definitely not the best introduction of a human to a territory dragon, but I will say it was memorable for everyone there. LeeAnn heals not only her own injuries but Grabon’s and her value…

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Coming Back

By Julia Schmeelk | August 14, 2021

Like so many things that were delayed and distracted by world events and illness, my blog was derailed and put on hold, but my utopian books are still available on Amazon. If you are looking for something hopeful, uplifting and fun give one of my stories a whirl. You can always find the links…

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Gordon’s Pride

By Julia Schmeelk | October 12, 2020

Read about Hanna’s survival, her journey of strength, compassion, and love. Never underestimate a woman who may be down. Those who read Hanna as being weak and helpless are missing the strength that she attracts. Yes, she has been abandoned by everyone, left alone in the wilderness to die. Yet somehow she makes friends. She…

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