NewEarth Series - Gordon and Grabon

Julia's Blog


By Julia Schmeelk | December 18, 2017

Going into the holiday season, like so many people I will be traveling to visit with family. As always I am looking forward to visiting with everyone, sharing good food and plenty of stories. It is always a delight to see my family, visit with my niece and nephews, tease and harass my brothers and…

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By Julia Schmeelk | December 17, 2017

Even on NewEarth people read. This weekend I read two Lora Leigh books, hot steamy and full of sass. Rugged Texas Cowboy and Wake  a Sleeping Tiger. Devoured them both Saturday night and Sunday morning. Now I need something else to read…

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NewEarth Planet

By Julia Schmeelk | December 17, 2017

When EarthCorp bought the rights to colonize and form settlements on NewEarth, there was minimal information collected. The only information that was considered relevant was the resources that were deemed valuable. Surprise! There was more on the planet than what they learned at first glance. Can you understand why the settlers did not report to…

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Holiday Wishes from NewEarth

By Julia Schmeelk | December 17, 2017

Here is wishing everyone a fantastic holiday season no matter your faith, culture, or background. Embrace your family, love your life, and read lots of books. Our world is made better with fiction and non-fiction holding hands and allowing people to look, learn and experience things without setting themselves on fire.

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Visitors to the Territory

By Julia Schmeelk | December 17, 2017

When approaching a claimed territory, a dragon is supposed to announce their presence and purpose. This allows the territory dragon to impart rules and restrictions as well as issue invitations and warnings. Monna broke those rules by not announcing her presence in Gordon’s Pride. In Heron’s Bonds several visitors arrive, some follow the rules and…

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Cold and clear

By Julia Schmeelk | December 16, 2017

Depending on where you live, this has entirely different meanings when reporting on the weather. Here in the southern mid-west, cold and clear is temps between 0-35 with the sun shining. In Alaska, cold when referring to weather starts at below, -1 and is anytime you can see sky, dark or light. Cold in Chicago…

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Longer Lifespan

By Julia Schmeelk | December 16, 2017

What do you think a longer lifespan would mean in your life? Dragons live 200-250 cycles, each cycle is 460 days. Each day is 36 earth hours.  If you were to do the math, I think you would agree that dragons have a significantly longer life on NewEarth than even the humans of New earth.…

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New Characters

By Julia Schmeelk | December 15, 2017

In Heron’s Bonds you will meet a number of new characters, among them is Trissy, a human woman who has survived a great disease that went through her people, friends and family and killed most of them. She managed to save her little sister Jenny, and a couple of cousins also survived. Her older sisters…

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Would You Leave Earth?

By Julia Schmeelk | December 15, 2017

If an opportunity to get on a ship and go visit another planet fell in your lap, would you go? Would you make plans to pay and relocate to a different planet to live? Would you be willing to walk away from modern technology for the rest of your life? You can imagine the small…

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By Julia Schmeelk | December 14, 2017

I know I am not the only technophobe in the world, but my understanding of how the computer works, runs and connects to the invisible network of information is more a practice in magical thinking than an understanding of the technology itself. Therefor, having a grand wizard of technogeekdom in my corner is important. Thanks…

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New Art to See!

By Julia Schmeelk | December 14, 2017

Over the next few days, new art will be added to the site, so keep a look out in the glossary. Athena, my artist does such an amazing job that every time she exceeds my expectations. Let me know what you think of her images and I will pass it along. Hint: Fanger and howlers…

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The Planet

By Julia Schmeelk | December 14, 2017

The planet of NewEarth is not just a power source, but a sentient being that directs, whispers and guides those she chooses to invest with her power. At the time of Gordon’s Pride, she has been working on adopting the humans into her web for two hundred years. The humans are not all as strong…

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