NewEarth Series - Cabin and Nest

How to Buy the NewEarth Series Books

NewEarth1 - Gordon's Pride

On sale now at

NewEarth1 - GordonsPride - by Julia SchmeelkThe first book in the NewEarth series, Gordon's Pride (NewEarth1) is now on sale at The links below will take you to the appropriate Amazon listing. The below links will open a new browser tab/page, so make sure your popup blockers are disabled, or choose "Allow" if prompted.



NewEarth1 - Gordon's Pride (Digital/Kindle) from

NewEarth1 - Gordon's Pride (Paperback) from

NewEarth2 - Heron's Bonds

On sale now at

NewEarth2 - HeronsBonds - Book CoverThe second book in the NewEarth series, Heron's Bonds (NewEarth2), is now on sale at The links below will take you to the appropriate Amazon listing. The below links will open a new browser tab/page, so make sure your popup blockers are disabled, or choose "Allow" if prompted.



NewEarth2 - Heron's Bonds (Digital/Kindle) from

NewEarth2 - Heron's Bonds (Paperback) from

NewEarth3 - The Heartsinger

On sale now at

NewEarth3 - The Heartsinger - by Julia SchmeelkThe third book in the NewEarth series, The Heartsinger (NewEarth3), is on sale now at The below links will open a new browser tab/page, so make sure your popup blockers are disabled, or choose "Allow" if prompted.


NewEarth3 - The Heartsinger (Digital/Kindle) from

NewEarth3 - The Heartsinger (Paperback) from




NewEarth4 - Healing

On sale now at

NewEarth4 - Healing - by Julia SchmeelkHealing is the 4th in the NewEarth Series, a fantasy romance saga where dragons and humans are learning to coexist while each species believes itself to be superior. The romance of this story is the mating bond that forms between Hess, an accepted member of the territory, and LeeAnn, a visiting healer.


NewEarth4 - Healing (Digital/Kindle) from

NewEarth4 - Healing (Paperback) from




NewEarth5 - Grabon's Nest

On sale now at

NewEarth 5 - Grabon's Nest by Julia SchmeelkGrabon's Nest is the fifth in the NewEarth Series an Epic Fantasy Romance that provides readers a glimpse into a different world where dragons are mammals, the planet is in control and people come in two species. While the humans have developed psychic connections to the planet, they have lost none of their species arrogance and like the dragons they struggle with issues of equality.


NewEarth5 - Grabon's Nest (Digital/Kindle) from

NewEarth5 - Grabon's Nest (Paperback) from




NewEarth6 - Acceptance

On sale now at

NE6 -AcceptanceAcceptance is the sixth book of the NewEarth epic fantasy adventure series.  Acceptance: NewEarth6 is the story of Lars, how he came to be accepted. It is a story of growth, of expanding thought, justice, and forged loyalties. Acceptance is a story of love and commitment to the planet, the council, his clan, his companion, and his mate.


NewEarth6 - Acceptance (Digital/Kindle) from

NewEarth6 - Acceptance (Paperback) from




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Excitement on the Farm

By CTCadmin | June 11, 2018

Shawn and I had just finished eating dinner. A favorite of ours, boneless ribs broiled then slow cooked in the crockpot with BBQ sauce until they are falling apart-gooey and sticky, along with mac and cheese and pickles.  Feeling over stuffed and lazy I answered the phone. Our neighbor, friend and landlord had trapped a copperhead snake under a shovel but she was not enthusiastic about getting bitten or letting…

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World Building

By CTCadmin | June 10, 2018
The Youngsters - Red and Star

World Building is the fantasy term for the type of writing involved in creating NewEarth. Sometimes it is refered to as high fantasy and whatever you call it, it is great fun for the writer and hopefully equally adventurous and entertaining for the the reader. The trick of course is to keep a plane from streaking across the sky in the background or something else out of place from suddenly…

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