
My NewEarth world has a number of healers; LeeAnn who is best with muscle and flesh, Mox who specializes in bonds and disease, and as we see more and more Pia and Dotty who heal emotions and mental illness with their music. Then we have Griss who makes medicines and brews for healing, including of course the wine. Yes, Griss’s story is next, the 9th in the series. I have a feeling his story will be a favorite among readers.

But my thoughts on healers is that while they may be people with lives, mates, and youngsters of their own; they have a calling to help others that is linked to their self-chosen purpose. It is what drives them, but it is not their only value. In later books I will explore what happens when a person’s purpose must change out of necessity. If they survive the transition, it can be amazing, productive, and joyful after the pain and healing. Change comes with a price and as humans we often minimize the difficulties, pretending that it is not as difficult as it is. Hopefully my little stories will give hope and a vision of change someone can hold onto.

As we head into this happy season, be good to yourself, read for fun, take long walks, and write a review. I promise authors love them.