Getting Ready
So far everything are on schedule. The Hunter is looking pretty good. Editing is done and most of the formatting is done. Submission begins tomorrow, but it can be a week-long process. One of the details is what goes on the back of the book. Check below to see my favorite draft so far. It may be too long, but I liked it.

Back of the book (draft)
Welcome to the Combined Territories, like most visitors you are probably anxious to explore the market, or watch a challenge, but let me remind you of a few simple rules. No unauthorized challenges, no hunting humans or dragons, only hunting on unclaimed land specified by the host. Enjoy your visit and learn about the many similarities of humans and dragons.
Brom could usually be found in the market, but Starseth had been ill for more than seven days. Nothing was as terrifying as having a youngster grow listless and uninterested in play or interaction. As she finally recovered, it took him much longer before he felt normal. Then he was asked to mind the visitor’s nest because the illness that had disrupted his nest, was making the rounds. How could he refuse?