I bet you handle frustrations much better than I do. I have always been solution oriented, so when my list of possible solutions runs out my wallet and we still have no working solution I tend to get surly. This happened with the car recently, we spent a lot of money trying to get it to keep running, but in the end it was not worth fixing, so we are down to one vehicle. Poor Shawn, because you know I am driving back and forth to work, dad’s, shopping, etc. My list of errands is endless. The whole thing was frustrating and people kept encouraging me to try ever increasingly expensive solutions. Like my wallet is bottomless. Ha, well now we need to save in order to buy a new car, or at least new to us.
Now as we switch to summer, our air conditioner is on the fritz. Last summer we went weeks without it working until I saw a YouTube video that let us manually start the fan rotation. That little adventure cost us almost $500 in service fees before I discovered a working solution. In April we had a heat wave and my fan trick did not work so we called the repair people. They came out and replaced a part, told us the motor was looking wobbly and was not making the fan run at full speed. But for the whopping price of almost $2000 we could get a new motor and starter. We asked it it might continue to work with an helping start and the man shrugged and admitted it might.
Well it didn’t. 90+ degrees and we have windows open and fans running. I just ordered a portable air conditioner that will make the house livable as we find other solutions. We looked up parts costs and it looks like under $300 to fix the air conditioner. We may do it ourselves.