Every job has something that makes your head hurt, but for writers formatting is the worst. This is making sure every space is counted, and every line is in the right place. Each chapter has to be set up exactly the same. Page numbers, headings, footers, it all gets jumbled up in my head making my eyes cross.
However, a badly formatted book looks terrible. So the job is to format so the book can shine and people can enjoy the story. So I struggle with it and do my best to find an inner geek that frankly does not exist. I’d pay someone to do it for me, but I don’t have that kind of money.
Oh, and just to keep things interesting, tech issues always happen while formatting. I think it is a cosmic rule. Programs have to be updated. Virus detectors sound the alarm. Today the computer had to be restored to factory settings. Why? Who knows my inner geek was sitting in a corner sucking sour cream from a spoon.
Formatting, the bane of this writer.