Favorite Things
Writing is a labor of love, a chance to share the best of my imagination and make one of my stories come to life. I love rough drafting the story, getting to flesh out ideas, build up characters, direct the action, and get surprised by the people I created.
So many parts of writing are fun and fulfilling. Editing is amazing watching this rough model of what you wanted get shined up and start to go from grunting to singing. Fine tuning the language, debating the placement of punctuation, alluding to future and past books, stories, and leaving hints for readers to find later.
Towards the end you have the trappings, the covers, dedication, descriptions for promotion and sales. The description written for the back of the book, the one for Amazon, and all the posters designed for Twitter and Facebook. So much writing and a chance to show off the story that came bursting forth from my imagination.
Writing is indeed a wonderous adventure, but like any adventure, it does have a few challenges. An you guess what the biggest challenge is?