Fairytales for Adults

What makes a great Fairytale? Is it the layers of lessons and wisdom? Is it the stick in your mind stories and themes? Is it the simplicity, characters, or symbolism? Is it the handling of delicate topics in ways that speak gently about the horrific, and horribly about the mundane?

So are my stories fairytales? I’ll leave it to readers to decide, but they are written with an audience of adults in mind, about the complex grownup world, and about mature concerns. They are stories about deep and abiding friendships, accepting differences, sheltering those in need, finding and keeping love safe, building a family, recovering from trauma, rebuilding after devastating life blows, and about fostering strength and abilities among many.

Of course there are dragons of many colors, there are psychic talents and abilities that are unusual, and there are humans that have shed technology, and found ways to thrive. The books are filled with interesting tidbits of philosophy, and unusual takes on human nature.

Of course the stories are filled with adventure, imaginative features and plenty of character interaction. If you are looking for a happy ending, all of my books can give you that, but hopefully a little bit more as well.