There are so many expressions that humans make that are noisy but nonverbal. For instance the puffing T sound that means in all sarcasm that you are fighting to suspend all belief. Then there is clearing or clicking in the throat while tossing the head, or turning aside. Plainly that means nobody wants to hear your mouth anymore. The clicking tongue, the hum with lips pressed together, and every teen age girls favorite, the head toss and tongue click to denote disgust.
However, the best expressions we have, are our faces. Scrunched lips like you are kissing a lemon. The pursed lips of disgust. Open-mouthed gag reflex, and of course the 200 kinds of smiles, grins, quirks and spontaneous expressions of pleasure,which says nothing of the frowns, grimaces and scowls to denote the opposite of being pleased with a situation.
Yes, human expressions are fun to describe especially when you can’t say, “You know, he went like this,” and scrunch and contort your own face to demonstrate.
Reminds me of a a friend who was knowledgeable in American Sign Language, commenting that signers have the ultimate turn-off – just turning their back on the speaker! Literally, shutting them off!
You knew her, too.
I did know her and it is true!