Environmentalist? Sure!

Someone who has never read a word I have written accused me of being an environmentalist as if it was a bad thing. I smiled and shrugged entirely prepared to let it go and walk away. They were evidently not happy with my half-grin and shrug and demanded to know what was so funny!

So I looked at them, focusing all my attention on them for a short moment. “You look like a human, requiring breathable air, drinkably clean water, uncontaminated food. You lack the gills needed to breathe under water and probably require shelter from cold, wind and extreme weather including heat.

The environment affects and effects all of us. To deny being an environmentalist, someone concerned with the health and well being of our environment, is advocating for human extinction. Is that what you are doing, or did you misunderstand the word?


  1. Tricia Kessie on July 9, 2019 at 12:09 am
