Dragons on My Mind
Sometimes as I read the news, look over my life, and let my mind unfocus, I dream about the dragons and what they would make of our world. Would they be wowed by technology? Curious about horses? Would the elephant or blue whale be a provoking challenge? What would they think of modern governments and our struggles with monetary and environmental concerns? Do you think they would take sides or would they decide it was an impossible task to fix what has already been broken?
The future of humans on our planet depends on our solving all these issues that we are facing, and they are all combined. Not that people are acting like their world is on fire, even as they complain about the smoke. We still have people who don’t accept that we have a global problem, which is still better than the ones who run screaming that we are all gonna die but have no intention of addressing the problems. No matter who believes what, the situation is deteriorating at an alarming rate and a crises is heading our way. Unless of course we find a planet B, a new place to live with abundant resources. However, under our current system only the wealthy could move, the rest of us would be here, keeping the polluted, expensive, home fires burning.
I don’t know about you, I would rather find a dragon to play with and build a life somewhere else. But until we find a bunch of dragons, maybe we need to look at solutions that involve everyone. We can always use it to unite humanity instead of divide us. Wouldn’t that be a great chapter for the history books, how an environmental or medical crises United the human race and together they were able to survive, thrive, and support all the cultures of earth. We all saw how Covid United us… maybe we can do better with this next challenge.